Sayings and Phrases about Difficulties in the King James Bible
- The curse of Adam
- Baptism of fire
- Being beside yourself
- Bread of adversity
- Bread of affliction
- The curse of Cain
- Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof
- The heat of the day
- Valley of the shadow of death
- A Daniel in the lion’s den
- As sick as a dog
- Fire and brimstone
- Tested by fire
- A millstone around your neck
- The fly in the ointment
- No small stir
- Set my teeth on edge
- Weeping and gnashing of teeth
- A thorn in the flesh
- A thorn in the side
- Breathing out threats
- Man is born to trouble
- The writing is on the wall
- Wars and rumours of war
- Woe is me!
- Abundance
- Accountability
- Action
- Altruism
- Association
- Authority
- Avoidance
- Basics
- Celebration
- Character
- Consequence
- Default
- Deliverance
- Difficulties
- Distinction
- Evil
- Extent
- Failure
- Feelings
- Finality
- Folly
- Humanness
- Hypocrisy
- Ideals
- Idolatry
- Interference
- Leadership
- Love
- Mediation
- Oldness
- Places
- Plants
- Possibility
- Power
- Principles
- Prohibition
- Resistance
- Retribution
- Saintliness
- Selfishness
- Separation
- Significance
- Sin
- Sustenance
- Timeliness
- Transformation
- Transience
- Understanding
- Vicariousness
- Violence
- Vulnerability
- Waste
- Welfare
- Worth